Co-Design Workshops with Teachers and Education Students

Group of people sketching and designing collaboratively
Co-Design your E-Assessment Tool with Concept Maps (Photo by from Pexels)

Co-creation workshops with teachers & students of education

Share your ideas about the ideal assessment tool with concept maps. No prior knowledge of concept mapping is required.

Session 1

In the framework of the OASYS4schools project, we are working on the development of an e-assessment tool for teachers, specifically designed to meet the needs of the education sector.

As part of this process of improving the tool, we are organising a series of workshops, focusing on one of the interactions available in OASYS: the creation of concept maps.

The aim of these workshops is to collect your ideas and opinions on the evaluation of concept maps using the OASYS tool.

Participation in the study involves two sessions of around 60 minutes:

  • Session 1 (individual, remotely, 60 mins): Create ideas and enhance ideas by other participants remotely ;
  • Session 2 (collaborative meeting, 60 mins): Present and discuss your ideas with other participants.

In gratitude for your participation, you will receive an Amazon gift voucher worth €50.

In a nutshell

  • Where: Session 1 at distance / Session 2 in person at the University of Luxembourg (Belval campus)
  • Duration: About 1 hour per session
  • Date: Until mid-June
  • Equipment needed: A computer and an internet connection.
  • Compensation: a 50€ Amazon voucher
  • Languages: English, French, Luxembourgish, or German

Participate now!

If you are interested in participating, please communicate your availability via the following contact form, using the following login information:

In case of further questions, please contact Björn Rohles (